Bob's Discount Furniture i New York

Forenede StaterBob's Discount Furniture



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2520, Flatbush Avenue, 11234, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 347-415-8307
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Latitude: 40.6083495, Longitude: -73.9220636

kommentar 5

  • Susan Lerner

    Susan Lerner


    The sale staff was friendly, but not pushy. The prices were very reasonable. We were able to shop at our own pace. When we made our decision to make a purchase the staff was very accommodating. We will definitely return if we need to purchase any furniture.

  • en

    Anthony Mobley


    Terrible shopping experience at this location. My salesperson was not very helpful or customer friendly. The cashiers had major attitude like they couldn't be bothered to collect my money. I will never ever shop here again and will recommend my friends not to shop there either. The one on Woodhaven blvd are more friendly. I should cancel my order and go there.

  • Starr Pettaway

    Starr Pettaway


    Doug was very attentive as soon as my grandmother and I stepped in the store. I just want to thank him so much for being patient with her and allowing her try out the two recliner chairs she wanted. Very professional he’s doing a Great Job and we will be back. See you soon Doug!

  • en

    Andrea Williams


    After being in store for 30 minutes of shopping in West Springfield store No one asked to assist me. Because I did my research online and love the quality of the furniture I proceeded without assistance to make a purchase. After checking out I was then told the items were on back order and available in a month. My issues are not with the product but with the current service. This store was not always like this, I've done business here over the past 20 yrs. Bring back customer service and satisfaction

  • en

    Lita Pontiflet


    Went to Bob's on Flatbush with my friend who wanted to purchase a kitchen table, we were greeted by Nikki Samuel young woman with a welcoming personality. After much conversation and laughs found out the sales associates are rotated and after attending to us she goes to the end of the rotation. I'm glad Nikki greeted us because she provided exceptional customer service. Bob's Furniture you have a great associate, and to Nikki keep up your great personality and continue to greet ever customer with your welcoming smile. The table arrived as promised and looks great in the space. Thank you Lita P. & Keith K

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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