Golden French Cleaners Corporation w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGolden French Cleaners Corporation



🕗 godziny otwarcia

71, East 8th Street, 10003, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-388-1887
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7308742, Longitude: -73.9928286

komentarze 5

  • Brian M

    Brian M


    As the other guys say - they make mistakes and are rude/yell/blame their poor english/and all around don't fix them. You can also get the same quality cheaper or pay 10% more for much better service in the area (what most of my building has done). To me personally they have been borderline crooks (adding services I didn't ask for at a higher price), but to most they just are just rude.

  • en

    Brian Glasser


    Horrible, from the gnome who stands in front constantly smoking to the minimal understanding of English and the "hilarity" that ensues. Good luck getting your clothes on time or at all.

  • en

    Mark Gree


    All i can say is,this dry clean store charge too much.........i definitely recommend this new store in mercer st...good prices..service is good...!!

  • Andrea Rodriguez

    Andrea Rodriguez


    Neighborhood gem. This is by far the best dry cleaner I've ever had in NYC. They are super friendly and attentive and pick and deliver. What more can you ask for in life? Also, if they seem rude over the phone it's likely because of a slight language barrier. Have patience, it's worth it!!

  • en

    A Google User


    Extremely poor customer service. The person who answered the phone was extremely aggressive and rude when I asked why my clothes hadn't been delivered on the day promised. I was then told that I could come pick them up in person if I had wanted them on time. He then hung up. Extremely unsatisfied and will not go back.

najbliższy Pralnia

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