Gary's Pet Jungle i Milwaukee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGary's Pet Jungle



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2857, South Howell Avenue, 53207, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 414-744-3338
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Latitude: 42.9925273, Longitude: -87.9044683

kommentar 5

  • Brooke Thiele

    Brooke Thiele


    They were super helpful. Great prices. I’ll be going back!

  • Susan Montey

    Susan Montey


    I've been going to Gary's since I can remember! Awesome and friendly! If they can't help they know someone who can!

  • en

    Margaret Barczynski


    Staff is knowledgeable and friendly. For a small pet store i love it. Just wish they had kittens.

  • en

    Cheyenne Morgan


    Awesome spot. Friendly, knowledgeable staff and healthy looking animals. Just got a rescued California Kingsnake from them and I'm so excited for him to be a part of my life.

  • some reptile

    some reptile


    This place is extremely helpful! The staff is very knowlegable and friendly, both in the store or if you have to call with a question. They sell live reptiles and fish and supplies. I didn't catch if they sell small animals other than as food. The store and parking lot is a little cramped BUT don't let that detour you from the excellent service this place provides pet owners. Thanks for all the help!

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