Best Fish i Milwaukee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1335, North Doctor Martin Luther King Drive, 53212, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 414-224-0486
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Latitude: 43.0479013, Longitude: -87.9147222

kommentar 5

  • Logan David

    Logan David


    Great place, very nice setup almost cavernous feel being surrounded by so much aquatic life. Got some great chiclids for a great price. Very attentive and knowledgable staff.

  • jose salazar

    jose salazar


    Great variety of salt and fresh water fish and quality of care. The employees are very good at answering questions and guiding you to make your aquarium experience a success.

  • Tyler Mills

    Tyler Mills


    An awesome experience every time ! They always have a great selection of fish and supplies! I can’t help but leaving with something new every time I’m there. I live in the area and usually walk that way to work or home and I always have to stop in! The staff is great and Someone there always has an answer to your questions. Great shop and great location. Would highly recommend !!

  • en

    Alphonso Amaya


    Friendly, knowledgeable people. Very helpful and they gave me straight answers to my questions. My wife and I are making them our number one place to go for our aquarium needs.

  • en

    Jo Ellen Gonzo


    Brian is very knowledgeable about both saltwater and freshwater aquarium. Personalized customer service and a great selection. I Best Fish doesn't have it they will order it in for you.

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