Fushimi w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFushimi



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2110, Richmond Road, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-980-5300
strona internetowej: fushimigroup.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5814371, Longitude: -74.1112871

komentarze 5

  • Boris Tsang

    Boris Tsang


    I absolutely love this place! and the beautiful atmosphere is only matched by the food, which is always cooked to perfection. I recommend the salmon teriyaki, but I love salmon so I may be biased : )

  • Tessa Baldi

    Tessa Baldi


    Ordered fried rice and bit down into something hard.. turned out to be a rusted screw, took awhile to get a manager to sort it out. Food quality and service has gone way downhill.

  • en

    Peter Kunen


    Very good food ,service great atmosphere and friendly staff

  • J Reyes

    J Reyes


    Amazing spot. The sushi is of regular size. Not small, not large... Exactly what you pay for BUT the top quality freshness, presentation, atmosphere is AMAZING. Having sushi here is an EXPERIENCE, not just a place to grab some rolls. Go sit and enjoy the restaurant. Very very clean, beautifully designed, and intimate. Not cheap looking or feeling. Luxurious. I usually go here, enjoy the hell out of myself and then take a walk on the boardwalk just a few blocks away. Great self-date or even with someone else. This sushi is so good it's puts you in another state of mind. So delicious, beautifully presented and FRESH. Oh I forgot to mention the service. I see alot of comments saying the service stinks. That was not at ALL my experience. My server was so good, I almost felt uncomfortable because of how attentive she was. I'm just not used to such proper hospitality. She poured my water for me when my glass was empty even when I could've poured it myself. She was very well spoken, and sweet. I felt she might been well trained on how to address the guest. Very classy and I was just there for lunch! I was very impressed. I'm going again today. Looking forward to it.

  • Ye Aung

    Ye Aung


    Modern and cool atmosphere. Looks like a lounge inside but it’s just a nice bar/restaurant. Great food at above average prices. Service is among the best I’ve experienced.

najbliższy Bar

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