Furniture Zone w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFurniture Zone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

16637, Jamaica Avenue, 11432, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-206-1655
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7064618, Longitude: -73.792689

komentarze 5

  • Tha Kur

    Tha Kur


    Don't ever buy anything from here. Bought a couch, was told they'll deliver and assemble it in my home, lies. The dropped it off unattended and left. The couch couldn't fit through the door. calling for an exchange they keep ignoring the call. Save yourself the headache and buy your furniture somewhere else. Just a another scumbag seller.

  • Rahul Smith

    Rahul Smith


    The sales person and the furniture was nicely displayed

  • en

    C -S Amazing Buys


    Went to buy a recliner, and fell in love with a whole new sofa set!!, Great options & best of all Great prices!!! The salesman was Such a good help to making my decision, Dont hesitate when thinking about this place! also they had super duper fast delivery & such Nice Delivery man

  • en

    thomas edwards


    made a purchase for a bedroom set and all i want to say is that i am in love with it. ALSO in love with the service, Had a question called and there was someone ready to help and more! so kind and very helpful, great customer service & products !!! A+++++

  • en

    Navinder Banger


    I would give this store zero stars if I could. Its been over a month that I have ordered furniture. They didn't give us everything and took all our money. The guy at the store is nice only when we went to buy and afterwards he was rude as hell and hung up on us. He said its not his responsibility. I have half of a sofa set and half of a dining table set.

najbliższy Sklep meblowy

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