Fresh Dentistry en Fort Worth

Estados UnidosFresh Dentistry



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3409, North Tarrant Parkway, 76177, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-337-8833
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8965146, Longitude: -97.3077707

comentarios 5

  • en

    Devin Stine


    Excellent staff! Always on time so you have an actual appointment! Me and my family love our new dentist!❤❤❤

  • kay bee

    kay bee


    I highly recommend Fresh Dentistry. Dr. Mehta and the entire staff are wonderful. They are friendly and work with you. Thank you Olivia for getting me in quickly. I needed that emergency. I had a root canal yesterday and there is no pain today. That is amazing. My favorite is the tool he uses to keep needle injections from hurting. They do everything to keep pain from happening. If you need a dentist, this is the one.

  • en

    Journey F


    The whole Fresh Dentistry staff is great! I always feel welcomed and comfortable. Even during procedures, Dr. Mehta makes sure that I'm comfortable and well informed about what's taking place and care afterward. I'm glad that me and my son are patients with Dr. Mehta.

  • Brittany Brewer

    Brittany Brewer


    I am truly grateful for the treatment I have received from each team member here at Fresh Dentistry! Everyone is very personable and make an effort make you feel comfortable. I have had some major dental procedures done here and I have never had a bad experience. Dr. Mehta is very considerate, gentle, and really cares about how you feel. I just recently had some cosmetic work done and I feel amazing! I highly recommend Fresh Dentistry!

  • Joy Juarez

    Joy Juarez


    It's no surprise that Fresh Dentistry has a 5 star rating! Every single employee just goes above and beyond to make you feel welcome. They are very knowledgeable and Vicky is a fantastic Dental Assistant!! She gave me a thorough cleaning after having a bad experience at another dentist, which apparently did not remove all the build up. I had given up hope in finding a good dentistry here in Texas after having 2 very bad dentist experiences. I'm so glad someone recommended Fresh Dentistry to me! The practice is beautifully decorated and very inviting. Once you go to this dentist you'll never go elsewhere! Vicky actually sent me a hand written Holiday note and when my husband got his wisdom teeth removed, the Dentist himself called him to follow up on how he's feeling!! Keep up the good work Fresh Dentistry :).

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