Dreamworks Vision,Dental, and Orthodontics - Fort Worth en Fort Worth

Estados UnidosDreamworks Vision,Dental, and Orthodontics - Fort Worth



🕗 horarios

4420, North Tarrant Parkway, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 682-593-7800
sitio web: dreamworksdentaldfw.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.893958, Longitude: -97.290972

comentarios 5

  • en

    Monique Bragg


    Very pleased! Called for a same day appointment and was in within the hour. Dr. Nguyen was personable and explained everything thoroughly. I will definitely be back.

  • en

    Erica Contreras


    My husband and our friend have said how great this place is. I went with him when he was getting fitted for his pair of glasses and the staff was extremely knowledgeable in my opinion. Such a clean place also.

  • Christina Molina

    Christina Molina


    All of the staff were/are absolutely amazing! Girls keep a smile on faces and have upbeat personalities. I loved how they constantly checked with my daughter on her comfort during exam/treatment.

  • en

    Paul Nguyen


    Very positive experience at Dreamworks Vision. Great staff, excellent service, and a very warming environment. Dr. Nguyen was very helpful and attentive during examination and is very caring for the patients. Andy was very helpful in helping decide frames and providing tips for each frame. Definitely coming back for my next eye exam.

  • Veronica Cannon

    Veronica Cannon


    This place is great. Dr. Nguyen and all the staff here were super nice and very thorough explaining everything and answering all questions. I requested an appointment online and the very next morning they had an opening available and saw me right away. I was able to order contacts in office and they assured me that I could get another trial pair if needed since my contacts will take some time to arrive. They even gave me a coupon for $10 off at the nail salon next door! Very pleased with my visit with them and would recommend others to try them out.

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