Flowing Tide Pub 6 en Las Vegas

Estados UnidosFlowing Tide Pub 6



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Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
Domingoabierto 24 horas
4680, South Decatur Boulevard, 89103, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
contactos teléfono: +1 702-916-2332
sitio web: www.flowingtidepub.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.1045624, Longitude: -115.2074306

comentarios 5

  • Derek Morrow

    Derek Morrow


    Great local bar with it all... Lot of choices for beer and food and great staff

  • Mehgan Hoffman

    Mehgan Hoffman


    I come here when I get done with work at 5:30 am. Kitchen is always open, catching Paul bartending is the best. You won't ever be disappointed.

  • en

    Alexander Lavdas


    The atmosphere is much better than a regular bar, with the service always on top of their game. The Manager makes it a point to come over and greet his guests and ensure all are having a pleasurable experience. The menu is miles above the normal places or pubs with a wide variety of things to eat from meats to pastas to vegan dishes. I have been there several times and each time has been better than the last. It is a distance from where I live, but well worth the trip!

  • Hal Parmley

    Hal Parmley


    Really good pub food, best fries in a while, service was great. Good selection of local and craft beers. Love the balcony area in the back. We loved it! Damn, forgot to take a picture. Probably even better in the daylight.

  • Anne Phelan

    Anne Phelan


    I would highly recommend this beautiful establishment. The place is very pretty and clean. The staff are friendly and helpful. Hunter was behind the bar with a welcoming smile and very efficient. Maria was our server , she was very friendly and accommodating. We will be back. Thank you for your service and friendliness. I will highly recommend this Pub

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