Flowing Tide Pub 6 i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterFlowing Tide Pub 6



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4680, South Decatur Boulevard, 89103, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 702-916-2332
internet side: www.flowingtidepub.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.1045624, Longitude: -115.2074306

kommentar 5

  • Derek Morrow

    Derek Morrow


    Great local bar with it all... Lot of choices for beer and food and great staff

  • Mehgan Hoffman

    Mehgan Hoffman


    I come here when I get done with work at 5:30 am. Kitchen is always open, catching Paul bartending is the best. You won't ever be disappointed.

  • en

    Alexander Lavdas


    The atmosphere is much better than a regular bar, with the service always on top of their game. The Manager makes it a point to come over and greet his guests and ensure all are having a pleasurable experience. The menu is miles above the normal places or pubs with a wide variety of things to eat from meats to pastas to vegan dishes. I have been there several times and each time has been better than the last. It is a distance from where I live, but well worth the trip!

  • Hal Parmley

    Hal Parmley


    Really good pub food, best fries in a while, service was great. Good selection of local and craft beers. Love the balcony area in the back. We loved it! Damn, forgot to take a picture. Probably even better in the daylight.

  • Anne Phelan

    Anne Phelan


    I would highly recommend this beautiful establishment. The place is very pretty and clean. The staff are friendly and helpful. Hunter was behind the bar with a welcoming smile and very efficient. Maria was our server , she was very friendly and accommodating. We will be back. Thank you for your service and friendliness. I will highly recommend this Pub

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