Firestone Complete Auto Care w Bay Shore

Stany ZjednoczoneFirestone Complete Auto Care



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2036, Sunrise Highway South Service Road, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-328-2157
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7388053, Longitude: -73.2277177

komentarze 5

  • en

    Abbas Ali Naqvi


    Excellent Excellent and Excellent Service that exceeds my expectations all the time and everytime. Thanks

  • en

    Thomas Giunta


    I bring both my cars there. Eric and staff are great, know me by name and give me the coupon discount for service, whether I had it or not. Car is in and out and they let you know what's going on, and if it is a must do now or it can wait but will need attention

  • Franklin Bonilla

    Franklin Bonilla


    This place does not know the meaning of the Firestone "Fixed Right Guarantee" at all. 2 years and thousands of dollars gone and nothing has been fixed. They try to sell you things your car doesn't need. Whether you're dealing with Eric or Matt the experience is the same. Loud and defensive. Service is so bad you'll want to call Firestone HQ

  • en

    Rosmat Trinidad


    I been bringing my cars here for many years. Years ago this place was good. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that is cheap. Is actually very pricy but they usually took good care of my car, and on a good time frame, the costumer service was also good. The last two years it's been very bad. I have paid for lifetime service when I got the car in the first time, that's why I still go there. But service is bad and the wait time is ridiculous, I asked how longer I would have to wait until my car was brought in for the oil change, and I was told like 4 to 6 more hours. The representative was serious, that's when I ask for my car keys, he said oh no your car is next, well literatelly? They not only have bad expensive and late service, they also have no respect for the costumers.

  • Fuku Shaup

    Fuku Shaup


    I worked in this store when Firestone corporate took it over from an independent who was there for 30 years and served the community. The manager who hired me insisted I sell anything I could, not caring if the customer was being ripped off, He only cared about his bonus. One day after he insisted I sell a brake job which was not needed I decided to quit. At closing I put the days receipts in safe, locked doors, set alarms and left a note saying I would not work in a ripoff store. I later found out the manager removed some expensive equipment and attempted to blame me, even going to the police. Other managers told me the police did not believe him and told him no money was taken I had no record and they would not pursue it. Thankfully the police saw thru this guy. reading these reviews I see nothing has changed in this store.

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