Aable Auto Salvage Inc w Bay Shore

Stany ZjednoczoneAable Auto Salvage Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

34, Moffitt Boulevard, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-665-5266
strona internetowej: www.aableautosalvage.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7318897, Longitude: -73.2317858

komentarze 5

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Had the parts I needed after being referred from another place & refused to sell me the part even though they could easily just test it out to see if it works. Waste of my time. Thanks for nothing.

  • en



    My Dad took me to Able years ago to purchase a part for my car. I have used them several times since then. The most recent part I picked up had an issue twice. I was worried that I might have to put up a little bit of a fight in regards to taking it back especially being a female. Like one of the other reviews on here said they do stand behind there parts. To me this transaction could have either made me never do business with them again or cemented me being a customer. I most definitely recommend them and have sent friends to them. I love the old school family atmosphere they have there. They even picked up my coffee truck purchase while I was there.

  • Nobori Auto

    Nobori Auto


    I purchased from Aable on ebay. They stood behind their parts despite me being in Utah and them in New York. Shipping was quick and transaction was smooth. In the end it was the customer service that set them apart from many other small businesses. They were friendly, honest and very professional. To any questioning their google "reviews", go talk to them in person. Dont base your opinion on some random one star reviews with no words attached. Thanks Aable

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    Jermaine Carnegie


  • en

    John Stellwagen


    Grear place great prices very reliable junkyard

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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