Fiore Montessori School w Vienna

Stany ZjednoczoneFiore Montessori School



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1629, Beulah Road, 22182, Vienna, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-319-2069
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Latitude: 38.9393463, Longitude: -77.2794854

komentarze 5

  • en

    Simon C


    I can't say enough good things about this school. Our daughter was enrolled two years ago, and loves going to school more and more every day. She comes home with such pride in her work, and you can tell she has put a lot of mental energy into the school day as well. We have had great experiences with the teachers in both the toddler and primary communities. In fact, we haven't met a teacher that hasn't impressed us with their dedication and love for teaching with the montessori principles. You can tell that the family who own and run the school are fully committed to teaching and nurturing the children. The 3+ acre back yard is an added bonus, with a lot of outdoor activities throughout the year, and all of the kids love it. Our son just started school there, and it's another identical story to our daughter - he is challenged each day, he learns a lot, he receives lessons that reinforce our parenting - sharing, being patient, helping others, having the choice to pick his activities each day, and having fun! Our kids love going to school every day, and it's a testament to the quality of the school!!

  • en

    amir naimi


    I had both of my daughters attend this school for a few years from age 2 1/2. We had a great experience overall with the teachers and management. I believe in the Montessori philosophy and this school does an outstanding job of executing this method.

  • Kristy Rodriguez

    Kristy Rodriguez


    We enrolled our daughter at Fiore when she was 16 months old. We couldn't be happier with the school, the teachers and the Montesorri classroom. She is happy to go to school every day and my husband and I are thrilled with how well she is doing. We toured 7 or 8 preschools before deciding to take her to Fiore. I didn't know anything about Montessori before starting our school search, but after learning more and observing the children in the classroom, this was absolutely the right choice for us. I am still amazed at the natural way the children learn and the independence, respect and self-confidence that is created and nurtured in the classroom. I would highly recommend this school to anyone who is looking for a safe and nurturing environment for their child...... Update! November 2016.... Both of our daughters have been attending Fiore since they were each 16 months old. Our oldest is now five and our youngest just turned three. We have been incredibly happy with the school for many reasons. However recently something happened that blew me away... Three weeks ago our girls woke up early. My husband and I were still sleeping when we heard the girls in the kitchen. I walked downstairs to find our oldest stirring pancake batter at the kitchen counter. My little one was throwing the eggshells away in the garbage. This was one of the proudest mom-moments for me. The were working cooperatively and both so independent with their individual tasks. The fact that she knew exactly what to put in the batter, plus some applesauce, which actually made the pancakes fluffier when I cooked them! They pushed the "Tower of Learning" around the kitchen to get the eggs out of the fridge and the chocolate chips from the cupboard (who doesn't want chocolate chip pancakes?) There are many positive things about our girls that I can attribute to what they are doing at Fiore, but this was one of the biggest and most exciting examples/steps in their development. I love Montessori education and I feel Fiore is one of the best Montessori schools in the area.

  • Ayanna Lee

    Ayanna Lee


    Fiore provided such a wonderful foundation for our daughter, who attended for a year, before we relocated out of state. Our daughter is now an independent, kind, wicked smart, loving, respectful and calm child most in part due to her time spent at Fiore. We learned ways to communicate with our toddler that didn't result in meltdowns and resistance. Her curiosity is wonderful and her ability to adapt to changes is just some of the things I can thank Fiore for. We visited many, many Montessori schools and I can honestly say neither of them stacks up to far. I admire how this school stays true to the Montessori philosophy and provided opportunities for parents to learn, for instance, how to adapt the technique at home. I miss it dearly and we are forever grateful for the experiences our daughter had there. Fiore did so much to help our daughter grow, and I have to say we are much more aware and educated parents now too. Keep up the great work!

  • en

    Payal Gupta


    Our daughter has been in the "MyHome at Fiore" program since mid 2014. Our experience here has been phenomenal. The teachers are very well trained. They really love what they do and are responsive to feedback. The owners are very passionate about the Montessori teaching philosophy and their dedication to the program is apparent through frequent interactions, special programs offered for parents and the way they run the school. The entire Fiore staff is very caring and attentive to the extent that's possible. The classrooms are very detailed oriented incorporating the best quality materials. The school offers healthy snacks and follows a philosophy that helps keep distractions at bay. The kids learn to focus on a multitude of skills through carefully prepared classroom activities. The outdoor space is great and during the summer months, the kids have the option of doing their work outside on the patio. We are looking forward to seeing our daughter grow and flourish in the Fiore community. We would highly recommend this school to anyone that believes strongly in the Montessori method of education. We researched a lot of schools before picking Fiore for our 3 year old and are very happy with that decision.

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