Comprehensive Language Center, Inc. w McLean

Stany ZjednoczoneComprehensive Language Center, Inc.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8251, Greensboro Drive, 22102, McLean, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-247-0700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9219004, Longitude: -77.2298105

komentarze 3

  • en

    Russell Ashford


    Comprehensive Language Center (CLC) has delivered for me. I've been taking private classes at CLC for several years. All of the instructors who have taught me Mandarin Chinese have been first-class professionals completely focused on tailoring the instruction to my needs. The entire staff have been flexible, very imaginative and engaging in the delivery of high quality language training.

  • Amy V

    Amy V


    I took Spanish lessons with Comprehensive for about nine months. I received excellent instruction from my one-on-one professors and the rest of the Spanish language staff was dedicated to helping me improve. I also appreciated their flexibility, as my schedule was often in flux. I am confident I will receive the scores I need to pass my upcoming foreign language test.

  • en

    Johny Walker


    Comprehensive Language Center in Courthouse is an excellent institution with world-class instructors and curriculum. I have studied Arabic language at Comprehensive Language Center with four separate instructors at different times over the past several years and all of my interactions with the instructors and staff have been outstanding. The professionalism and organization of this institution is second to none. I would highly recommend.

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