Falcone Automotive w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneFalcone Automotive



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1930, West 16th Street, 46202, Indianapolis, Marion County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 317-263-0002
strona internetowej: www.falconevss.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7898698, Longitude: -86.1948008

komentarze 5

  • en

    Yefeng Ruan


    Very bad service experience here. I have my car serviced at Falcone volkswagen for more than 4 years. Their oil and filter change service is good. But for repairing parts, they always ask to replace whole parts even if issues can be fixed by only replacing minor part. I can always find another car repair shop to fix the issues much much cheaper than them.

  • Timothy Cordes

    Timothy Cordes


    Long term customers. First purchase was a VW CC in 2011. Have leased Subaru Outback's since. Just leased the 3rd. We have always started our process with Tiffany Compton, and have come to trust her a lot! We are really glad she has been there for each purchase/lease. But everyone at Falcone is always helpful and friendly. So the experience is as good as it gets. Thanks!

  • en

    melanie owen


    I bought a 2018 Forester and couldn’t be happier with the car and the experience at this dealership. It was stress free, fun, and the best deal on trade in and new car price. I was so happy that I referred my daughter and she bought a new Forester there 2 week’s later.

  • en

    Sandy McCallister


    I own a Subaru Forester that I purchased in Sept 2016. I love this car! Just brought it in for maintenance. I have had zero problems with it. I waited for it to be done and was there only 1 hour. The staff at Falcone are very nice and courteous. Brady helped me today. Highly recommend them.

  • en

    Kyle Ruthig


    Always very impressed with everyone at Falcone. From sales to service, you can tell your business is valued and appreciated. Very professional and keep customers up to date with progress! I have known Alex Moffett for many years. He has made the car leasing and buying process very carefree and effortless on my part twice now. Every member of the Falcone staff is very professional and helpful and I will continue to do business with them. I will definitely recommend friends and family in the future

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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