Fairfield Inn by Marriott Anaheim Resort i Anaheim

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Forenede StaterFairfield Inn by Marriott Anaheim Resort



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1460, South Harbor Boulevard, 92802, Anaheim, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-772-6777
internet side: www.marriott.com
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Latitude: 33.8114928, Longitude: -117.9135999

kommentar 5

  • Michael Preiss

    Michael Preiss


    Decent room, and it was very clean. Realize these rooms open to the outside like a motel. If you want typical interior rooms, try the courtyard next door. I subtracted a star for the relatively cold wooden floors and very thin walls. Another star comes off for a terrible door seal that created a constant whistling noise with or without ac on. We could barely sleep, and the front desk said it was common to many rooms. A continental breakfast would go a long way, but I know with a hotel this size it would be crazy. Overall, I would probably stay at the courtyard in the future. But rates here are hard to pass up.

  • Anna Thomas

    Anna Thomas


    Staff was extremely friendly! We dropped our luggage off before we went to Disneyland. It was safe & secure! Valet was very nice. I loved getting text notifications that our room was ready.

  • AJ Collins

    AJ Collins


    We've stayed here a dozen times. It is a quick .5 mile walk to either park, there is a McDonald's, a Mimi's and a Panera right outside. The rooms are nice, newly decorated with wood floors and a pocket door that creates privacy for the sink area. The cost is reasonable. The 3rd floor has a lobby with toasters and a small coffee shop/pizza parlor/quickie Mart for cereal and breakfast sandwiches. It is a great hotel for families with kids of all ages.

  • en

    Jeanine Wallace


    I loved (almost) everything about staying here! Friendly, helpful staff, great location and clean rooms! Our room was on the north side so we got a perfect view of all the fireworks without the all the crowds! Also, and this is a huge deal for me, the room has laminate flooring. Carpet in hotel rooms kinda grosses me out, who knows what's been on them? The only drawback is the parking. There are not enough spaces for self parking so at times you're left with no other choice but to valet. Either way it's the same price. Parking issues seem to be typical no matter what hotel you stay at in the area and I'm not complaining, just informing. Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend Fairfield Inn!!

  • Kara Jean Kelly

    Kara Jean Kelly


    Everything you love about Marriott! And even better since it was right across from Disney! They made our trip stress free and wonderful! I will always be staying at one of the hotels where I can just cross the street. We took a nap every day we were there which helped me, as a mama of a two year old, my daughter, and grandpa get through each day. Beautiful place. Clean. We even watched the test fireworks happening over at Disney one night we were there! So cool!

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