European Wax Center w River Edge

Stany ZjednoczoneEuropean Wax Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1031, Main Street, 07661, River Edge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-525-2929
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9124191, Longitude: -74.0382869

komentarze 5

  • Eli Holmes

    Eli Holmes


    I received the free waxing service as a first time guest. I thought it went quite well. The receptionist greated me warmly, the tech explained all the steps she was taking, and the results were exactly what I wanted. However, there was a strong push to upsell me future services and products. Not that I mind that, but it felt more forced than natural - like the pressure to sell is stronger than the belief in the product. But hey, overall I'm happy and I will return.

  • en

    k v.


    Second review for this location, after not going here for a couple of months because of the service I received that I was definitely unhappy with I gave it another shot this time. I went yesterday thinking i’ll Be happy with the service this time around. Unfortunately that was not the case. I came in and I tried getting the promotion that they have which is buy 9 and get 3 free. The front desk tried her best helping me out but I think she’s pretty new and left there by herself. Charged my card twice and until till moment waiting for their merchant to refund the amount because she wasn’t doing it right. Then came Maria or Mary to do the wax. She lacks the skills that others have to make the visit a little bit more painless. Looks like she’s also new. All in all I would never recommend this location specifically.

  • Kim Baron

    Kim Baron


    Maria, the waxer, was great. They work really hard to upsell, though, which I really didn't like.

  • en

    Brandon Leone


    Ask for Patricia this girl made my first time waxing stress free ! LOVED HER!

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    miranda oyoa


    Amazing place,much better then paramus!STRONGLY recommend Patricia she helped get rid of my ingrowns, has a wonderful personality, & didn't leave me red for days like other waxers have

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