Empire Beauty School w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneEmpire Beauty School


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

332 Route 4 East, Paramus, NJ 07652, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-282-5723
strona internetowej: www.empire.edu
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9126458, Longitude: -74.0438142

komentarze 5

  • en

    Elma Kocan


  • Brittaney Estrella

    Brittaney Estrella


    I graduated from Empire Paramus’ Cosmetology program about two weeks ago and I am extremely happy with my entire school experience. The teachers there are knowledgeable and attentive and really prepare you for the real world of the beauty industry! If you are looking for a fun, current, and professional school to start your beauty career, I would highly recommend checking them out!

  • en

    Gayle Johnson


  • en

    Daniella Lamothe


    This school is very unprofessional! I came here to braid my hair. My friend, who is a student there, recommended me to a friend of her's to get my hair braided, who is also a student there. I came at 10am in the morning with my son. I have been trying to get my hair done there for almost a week and everytime I tried to make an appointment there was always a problem. They knew I had two kids. My friend and her friend kept telling them over and over! I didn't bring my daughter but I brought my son. There was a problem with him being there so my friend, who's the student, clocked out and took him. She had to clock back in a couple hours later so I had him with me. Apparently that was a problem because they kicked us out. They called my friend and her friend aside and told them someone needs to take my child and leave or I need to leave with my child. They got mad and we all decided to leave. The teachers and the instructors told me NOTHING! They just kept giving me dirty looks and giving me attitude. They did not apologize to me or even told me I had to leave but instead wanted to tell my friend. They mistreated me because I was a friend of a student. But at the end of the day I have an appointment at your school, I'm a client! I felt very mistreated and disrespected! How can you possibly kick me out while I'm getting my hair done because of my son who was not making any noise. Who was not crying or anything like that. He was calmly sitting on me. But apparently the day before I came they told the students that any clients who come with kids that the kids must stay with their parents but because I have my child with me and I'm a friend of one of your students you treat me different? I'm done with this school and the teachers and instructors in there! They are rude, unfriendly, and disrespectful.

  • aew Aew

    aew Aew


    Worst hair school I'vee ever been in. Main instructor is unknowledgeable and extremely rude, management is lazy, and students look bored due to lack of customers. Customers are treated without any respect from instructors. New management and younger hip knowlegeable, friendly, fun staff is highly recommended.

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