Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEmbassy of Trinidad and Tobago



🕗 åbningstider

1708, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-467-6490
internet side: foreign.gov.tt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9077431, Longitude: -77.0389923

kommentar 5

  • Franco Benza

    Franco Benza


    Came for open embassies tour, amazing people but ridiculous bottle neck just to give some cookies, badly organized.

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    Jeremy Porter


    They are so disgusting and rude. Poor customer service they act just how they act in Trinidad.

  • Anecia Marchan

    Anecia Marchan


    From the stories I've heard the embassy actually was not bad.I made sure and brought everything they asked for which made the process go faster.They were organized and very helpful.

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    I, Joel Vidale, had a most memorable visit to the embassy of Trinidad and Tobago on 2/2/2018 with my 2 children to apply for the new machine readable passports. From arrival to departure, we were treated like royalty from the staff. As we proceeded to go into the building on that very cold morning, we heard that famaliar trini accent saying to us, " Go right in its cold out here". This voice turned out to be the supervisor of the passport department as I learned later. Then there were the male and female receptionists who were very concerned when I told them about my parking situation outside. They encouraged me very strongly in the kindest caring manner to move my car else I would get a parking ticket. I followed their instructions and moved my car to a working meter nearby. But the best was yet to come. The services rendered by Rae-Ann Marrast and Khadijah Bishop left me smiling from ear to ear and feeling proud to the utmost to be a Trini. It was service with a smile. These ladies were the utmost professionals. Their service was second to none. I had some issues with my documents and they resolved the issues with the competency of real pros. Thank you all. I truly appreciate the love and remarkable service I received from those two ladies. Their service was exemplary and I felt compelled to commend them. Thanks to the entire staff.

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    Lisa Torres


    Very helpful and pleasant. Was able to help us with our needs and made us feel welcome and comfortable. Thank you.

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