Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEmbassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo



🕗 åbningstider

1100, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-234-7690
internet side: www.ambardcusa.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9040501, Longitude: -77.0405086

kommentar 5

  • jonathan okita

    jonathan okita


    Does anyone have a different number or email to contact this embassy? I've tried just about everything and i still can't get in touch with anyone there. I can only imagine how busy it gets there, but this is so unprofessional.

  • en

    Haurnys Bakine


    I went there expecting to be disappointed but i was agreably surprised. The application process was fast and i left earlier than i was supposed to. Now i just hope that my passport will arrive on time. If only they could let us know that walk-ins are also welcome it would make the experience even better and please answer the phone. Overall great job guys! ************ My passport arrived earlier than expected! Good job guys!!!

  • Bénis Munganga

    Bénis Munganga


    I thought it was going to take 3 months for my passport processing but it actually took less than 2 months!! Great job DRC Embassy! I appreciate your work! Proudly Congolese 🇨🇩🇨🇩

  • en

    Rebecca G. Dillon


    Excellent service. I travel to DRC frequently for work, my visa application is processed within days and returned with Fedex. Sylvie Munanga is extremely helpful, responds to email questions or concerns clearly and promptly.

  • Marilyn Rice

    Marilyn Rice


    I needed a visa to to go the DRC on a UNICEF mission. I went to the web site to find out what was needed. I went to the embassy in Washington, DC on a Monday 2 1/2 weeks before my departure and was concerned that I would not get my passport with the visa back in time. I supplied the embassy with a FedEx Express return envelope and I had my passport and the visa back by Friday of the same week. Amazing. Bravo.

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