El Paso's Bakery i El Paso

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEl Paso's Bakery



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3300, Fort Boulevard, 79930, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 915-562-5600
internet side: www.elpasosbakery.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.8056367, Longitude: -106.4551547

kommentar 5

  • Delilah Dukes Robinson

    Delilah Dukes Robinson


    Great treats... love the strawberry and cream empanadas, and the powder cookies... picture taken in car...

  • Jennifer Robles

    Jennifer Robles


    Nice selection of pan dulce. I got my favorite kind yoyo de fresa. I was slightly disappointed. it looked great. it was huge. it had coconut on the outside, but the bread was kind of dry.

  • Antoinette Pritchett

    Antoinette Pritchett


    Everything in there is so delicious. My husband went when they first opened. The fresh stuff is the best!!

  • Jesus Uribe

    Jesus Uribe


    Very tasty bread, a good variety of different pastries, pan dulce and francesito. Not cheap though, i had stopped going to panaderias that i forgot how pricey bread has become 😯

  • Jose Payan

    Jose Payan


    Very good apple fritters, big in size, great taste. I go there at 7 AM and the other breads I have tried do not have that just baked this morning texture. Good customer service though or should I say dough in this case 😁. Oh yeah, their bizcochos are pretty good too. Plenty of parking at 7AM. Remember there you grab a tray and tongs to serve yourself. As soon as you get to the register one will stop what they are doing and ring you up.

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