East Meadow Upholsterers i East Meadow

Forenede StaterEast Meadow Upholsterers



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371, East Meadow Avenue, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-794-2546
internet side: www.emupholsterers.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7147318, Longitude: -73.5596182

kommentar 5

  • en

    joanne re


    Mike did a beautiful job on my veryyy old dining room chairs--new padding what a treat----He was so nice---getting 1 chair done the same day so I could sit at my table that night and the other 3 were done the next day----He likes what he does and it shows--Hes a GEM

  • Anthony Lee

    Anthony Lee


    I had a set of 8 dining chairs that really needed attention. They were badly discolored, some torn fabric, and the foam has been worn. The whole process from reaching out to Michael to receiving the final product has been extremely swift and positive. He is knowledgeable and will help you all the way with advice or answering questions. Thank you again for your excellent work!

  • en

    Cristina Belletti


    brought in dining room chairs and needed them wrapped in plastic to keep clean from my kids. They did an amazing job! great price and super friendly owner! highly recommended!

  • Maria Cantasano

    Maria Cantasano


    What a great place...no frills just straight up help to make our 12 year old dining room chairs look like new. For a reasonable price! Go see Mike if your chairs are in need of TLC!

  • en

    Holly Hurd


    Fantastic job by Mike & crew! Check out the pattern matching. Picked up, delivered, 1 wk turnaround, absolute perfection and at a reasonable price. We couldn't be happier. Thanks Mike!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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