CarpetCow i East Meadow

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1936, Hempstead Turnpike, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 866-209-7847
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7240942, Longitude: -73.5654787

kommentar 5




    Amazing company! Their prices, quality of material and craftsmanship cannot be beat!

  • en

    David Brown


    Dave just left my house for some shop at home easy flooring pitching. I decided on a nice wood tile floor in my kitchen which I could not be any happier to get put in! In my living room dave helped talk me through the best options, we got a Berber with great colors in it. He hasn't even put a new piece of flooring in and I already love how he has taken care of me so far. I will 100% use him for the rest of my house whenthe time comes

  • Carpet Cow

    Carpet Cow


    "Find wide selection of Carpet cow, laminate and hardwood flooring services in new York.We are dedicated to providing first quality merchandise and service to new york"

  • John Poropat

    John Poropat


    David and his crew are awesome!! David made the buying process so easy and enjoyable. He is very knowledgeable and his experience and suggestions helped us to select the right solution for our needs. His install staff are top notch and very experienced. They did a superb installation, neat, tight corners and seams and they cleaned up everything, no mess at all. It is hard to find a GOOD, reliable contractor who is there before, with you during and there for you after the work is completed. David and his crew are the best I have ever seen. They made this buying and install experience a pleasure. I will use them over and over again and recommend you use them also. You will not be disappointed.

  • en

    Michael Garcia


    Prices were cheap. Nice workers.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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