E CHAIRS INC. en New York

Estados UnidosE CHAIRS INC.



🕗 horarios

9012, 95th Avenue, 11416, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-880-1178
sitio web: www.echairs.nyc
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.685994, Longitude: -73.850945

comentarios 5

  • K Bernhardt

    K Bernhardt


    Great service! Alfred came to me to pick up my older model Aeron chair. He was right on time and paid me in cash on the spot.

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    Joshua Martone


    I picked up a beautiful chair in excellent quality and had a great experience. Their selection is top notch and their customer service can't be beat.

  • Jaron Somers

    Jaron Somers


    These guys were great. I was working from home when my chair gave out on me. I called them at 12:30 and within 90 minutes, they showed up at my door in the UWS with a very nice Herman Miller Aeron chair that works well so far. I highly recommend these guys. They even patiently waited for me to grab cash when there was a payment method misunderstanding.

  • Robert Santos

    Robert Santos


    E Chairs Inc...is the only place you need for office chairs! They offer a large selection and great prices. We purchased 30 office chairs from them and the entire process was extremely painless and fast. Alfred provides great customer service and is very responsive. We will definitely purchase more office chairs from them in the future!

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    Jamie Bendell


    Our experience working with E chairs was absolutely seamless. I found them on Craigslist and was very impressed by how attentive they were and how quickly they responded to my inquiry. Our company needed chairs fast, and Alfred at E chairs helped every step of the way, even after hours. He was open about what they had in stock and the quality of the product, sending me pictures and explaining the best options. Delivery was extremely fast, easy, painless. They were early for their delivery time, and were able to accommodate us. I highly recommend using E chairs for your chair needs. We were in a lurch and E chairs really helped us our tremendously. Extremely professional and courteous service that I saw as very dependable.

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