P.C. Richard & Son en New York

Estados UnidosP.C. Richard & Son



🕗 horarios

103-54, 94th Street, 11417, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-848-6700
sitio web: www.pcrichard.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6805348, Longitude: -73.8454183

comentarios 5

  • Josie John

    Josie John


    Was looking for a washer and dryer combo and Reynaldo was nice enough to answer every question I had. He was even able to deal with my mother (who's hard to go with when it comes to bargaining) in a professional manner. Great costomer service

  • en

    Yvonne you raise me up. Parkins


    Well to say PC Richard &Son. Never a unstoppable tradition. But to say with the electronic & Appliance via home furnishing the stores carried varieties and vary at different location . What I could say if shoppers can't guarantee PC Richard better off trust them where guareentee is no competition . The store will refund your money if shoppers changes their mind on any item . Recently I purchase 2 camera for my son school projection one of the camera did not comes with an SD Card .i have to purchase one at another location PC Richard . . The picture comes out good and optimal . Things doesn't lost as it should ancient Greek. But we got to face and make the best of time . Parking available for shoppers or alternative parking . Visit PC Richard & Son.

  • en

    Emmanuel Mangru


    I rate this store 5/5. Had a great time shopping with salesman Frank Russel. He helped me out a ton and is very useful when it comes to buying things. He is very knowledgeable and is great helping me find the right item.

  • en



    5 stars everything here. Good prices and great service. I've been to several locations but this one I go out of my way for.(for the amazing service) The car installer Rover is very professional and my salesman Carmelo is the best. He offers great advise and goes through the entire process to help you from start to finish with total satisfaction.

  • ru

    Anthony Hagood



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