Duff's Fine Jewelry w Keller

Stany ZjednoczoneDuff's Fine Jewelry



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136, North Main Street, 76248, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-337-4401
strona internetowej: www.duffsjewelry.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9358296, Longitude: -97.2532569

komentarze 5

  • William Hildebrand

    William Hildebrand


    We are repeat buyers at Duff's. Great service and great selection. They will customize and work with you to tailor the perfect piece of jewelry. We love working with our advisor, Chris. Very knowledgeable and no hard sales pressure to buy.

  • en

    Noelle Fletcher


    I'm new to town and had recently lost 2 diamonds from my wedding ring so decided to come to Duffs since they're now local to me! I had an amazing experience and highly recommend their services. The staff is very friendly and their work is awesome! Will definitely be using them from here on out for repairs and future purchases!

  • en

    William Gould


    I had a wonderful experience with Duff's . Chris helped me design an engagement ring. I couldn't afford to pay for it all at once. So they let me make payments. Every time I called Chris was happy to help. I will be going back. Even though I live in Illinois now. Duff's prices and customer service is second to none. Prices are great !

  • en

    Donna Irvin


    I love my new friends, Carmen and Chris! Have not had such a wonderful experience of customer service in many years. I didn't think that even existed anymore until I walked through those doors. Genuine, caring and personal service from start to finish. How refreshing! They both were outstanding and brought a whole new meaning to "above and beyond" great customer service. Most definitely, I will be back! Thank you Carmen and Chris for everything. What a great team you are and an absolute delight to work with.

  • Kristina Vargo

    Kristina Vargo


    There is not enough space here to explain how great Duffs jewelry is!!! I had another jeweler ruin my necklace and Chris found the best way to fix it. It's now back to being gorgeous!!! I also designed the best ring with Chris and I just love it. It's truly amazing. I have now found the best place to go for my jewelry needs. They are an extention of my family now. I just love them!!!

najbliższy Jubiler

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