Fred Meyer Jewelers w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneFred Meyer Jewelers



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3300, Texas Sage Trail, 76177, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-750-2046
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9115605, Longitude: -97.3095965

komentarze 5

  • en



    I absolutely love Fred Meyer Jewelers! The staff is so friendly, very professional and not pushy. I love the selection, it's always fun to go see what's new! I have had several pieces repaired there and they have done a wonderful job, I'm getting things repaired I haven't worn in years! And who knew, a first class jewelry store inside Kroger!

  • en

    Matthew Pierce


    Have had a variety of watches with need of replacement batteries and small parts, and the service was excellent and convenient will I shopped at Kroger. They keep my watches running. Thanks Matt

  • en

    Sarah S


    I do not recommend Fred Myers in Krogers off Heritage Trace Parkway, Texas. If you need more then just a ring sizing , please go somewhere else. My husband took my wedding ring to be sized and they said there were cracks on the inside of the band. They have sent it off twice to be fixed and it's still not fixed correctly. We will be talking to a manager and better not have to pay for this .

  • Matt Myers

    Matt Myers


    This Store has lost/misplaced my wifes Wedding ring almost every time we take it to the store to be cleaned. not professional at all

  • en

    Kristin Turner


    Absolutely love this jewelry store. They go above and beyond to make sure you are happy with your jewelry. I bought my 2 outside wedding bands here and my husband had bought my engagement ring from zales and zales had messed it up so bad when it was sized I didn't think it was possible to repair it and even though it wasn't bought from fred Meyers they still repaired my engagement ring when they sized my wedding bands and my ring is beautiful I could not be happier I would recommend them to everyone! The staff is amazing!

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