DTB w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneDTB



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8201, Oak Street, 70118, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-518-6889
strona internetowej: www.dtbnola.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.948213, Longitude: -90.1306674

komentarze 5

  • en

    Wp Johnston


    The staff was very friendly and I wanted this to be a better experience than it was. Unfortunately, I have to say that it is a commonly found combination of high prices and mediocre food. I hope it gets better though.

  • Bridget Nolan

    Bridget Nolan


    Showed up 30min late for our reservation without realizing, and the DTB team was still able to accommodate our group, even on a Jazz Fest night! Delicious food, great staff-- we had blast! I'll be back soon. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Brent Fradella


    It's pretty damn good. Everything is full of flavor. My wife got the Crispy Duck and it was the best dish I've had in a while. I got the 48hr short rib which was also amazing. The cabbage that came with the duck was the best I've ever had and I don't even like cabbage and would eat this all day. We also got boudin balls and oyster gratin which were both really good. Service was very solid and also presentation really on point. The only reason I didn't give 5 stars was of the loud music playing which doesn't lend itself to fine dining and made it hard to communicate with my wife. Other than that, this place is perfect and you should definitely go.

  • Jeff Wayland

    Jeff Wayland


    Really interesting "neveaux-swamp-hillbilly-chic" kinda feel. The drinks are super interesting and the food is inventive. Definitely not the best meal I've ever had, but also definitely worth the trip for the decor and great drinks. I'd recommend bringing a small group and ordering a few plates to share. Waitstaff is fantastic and friendly as well.

  • Greg Hudson

    Greg Hudson


    The ambience of the restaurant is incredibly relaxing. The food is to die for. I'm usually a very picky eater, but everything I ordered off this menu had my taste buds jumping for joy. What an incredible dining experience. I had to give my compliments to the chef who turned out to be the part owner of this fine establishment. I can't wait for my next trip to New Orleans to get back to this restaurant.

najbliższy Bar

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