Maple Leaf Bar w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneMaple Leaf Bar



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8316, Oak Street, 70118, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-866-9359
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.948938, Longitude: -90.1320839

komentarze 5

  • Lorenzo Armstead

    Lorenzo Armstead


    Buyer beware! ! ! I recently visited NOLA and was trying to do something special and fun with my wife on her birthday. The Rebirth brass band was suppose to play at 10. We got there about 9 and stood in line for a bit. 20$ X2 cover at the door. It was fairly crowded when we got in although there was room in the hall area. We waited until about 11 and by then the crowd was allowed to pile in to where you couldn't hardly move a step with out bumping into someone in either direction. The band trickled on to stage, very unprofessional. During the bands first song the crowd could not have gotten worse. As a public safety person, I felt totally uncomfortable, especially worried for my wife's safety. I felt the safe bet was to leave before an emergency presented itself. All the exits, isles and walkways were impassable. I had to physically force people out of my way and clear a path for my wife. I didn't bother to try and get a refund. I figured that was a loosing battle, and I found out later through different post that many others had similar experiences at this venue for the same band. It's unfortunate that the venue and the Band allows the door to just pile folks in regardless of occupancy load maximums. I can't imagine the city allows or condones these overcrowding situations. I did call 911 after I got out and explained the problem. Not sure of the outcome, but NOPD was notified and reportedly responded. I don't think I will waste my time or money on this venue or Band again. There are far to many examples of overcrowding situations that have led to multiple fatalities. I hope this club cleans up its act and NOPD or NOFD cracks down before someone looses a life! LA

  • Ashleigh Sosa

    Ashleigh Sosa


    Must see New orleans music venue w/ nightly shows featuring NOLA musicians. Cover is usually around 10$ they have a nice 420 friendly court yard. Venue is small/medium in size. Feels very intimate while you are there you can easily catch the musicians to tell them how much fun you had dancing to their music all night!

  • lala stein

    lala stein


    Best music venue. Great bands play there regularly. You have to meet Kiss the bar tender, tell him I send you. Love this guy.

  • M.Gatlin Yoga

    M.Gatlin Yoga


    Not fancy, ya aren't going to find the latest cocktail there .. but you will find the best local music in NOLA in a laid back neighborhood type bar with a nice back patio where you can socialize with friend without having to tell over the bands.

  • Lauren Cook

    Lauren Cook


    The beer selection was great! The music was better. Saw the John Gros Band, and they rocked the place. The staff and the patrons were awesome! Didn't get to try the food. Maybe next time!

najbliższy Bar

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