Dr. Glenn J. Marie, DDS - Woodrow Office en New York

Estados UnidosDr. Glenn J. Marie, DDS - Woodrow Office



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739, Woodrow Road, 10312, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-317-8524
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.547751, Longitude: -74.19083

comentarios 5

  • Paul Stanley

    Paul Stanley


    I've been bringing my now 10 year old son to this office since 2011, & have been coming here for my own dental care since 2012. We have had many good experiences, including when I developed 2 cavities. Hygienist Cindy & the many young ladies in the office are friendly & ensure our comfort while we are here. The only drawback I can mention is that a couple of times I had to wait about an hour to be seen. It disappointed me that only on 10-4-16 I was informed of confusion the office was experiencing with billing between my insurance company's coverage (UFT Cigna Dental) & me since 2011.

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    juana quintero


    Not professional, was rescheduled twice, the last appointment was scheduled I was already on my way from work, I was running literally 5 min late I decided to call and let them know they stated the doctor couldn't wait and had to leave, not coming back, it's very inconsiderate of his part after I was rescheduled twice and I was already on my way. The staff are rude and you can feel the tension between coworkers.

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    joyce mauceri


    The worst pediatric dentist. Don't go here. Not professional. Never called my daughter back in 2 weeks now. Had reaction of hallucinations given novacaine injections. Scarry.

  • Sam Anson

    Sam Anson


    This place is so low quality its ridiculous, the staff is very rude and the small waiting room in the front only has like 12 seats and is always packed with people. Most people in the waiting room have to stand up. And the waiting time for someone is always around an hour minimum. The way the workers communicate is not professional, they yell at each other and don’t make a very friendly environment for kids. My son went there a couple days ago and we are never going there again, the tooth cleanings are fast and sloppy. They yell medical terms at each other and half the time the nurses don’t understand what the doctor is telling them to do, they say, “What does that mean?”. In the end it just a really bad and low quality dentist that I don't recommend to ever go to.

  • Alba Lita

    Alba Lita


    Where to start. You can never reach them, while calling. The front desk staff lacks a lot of communication skills. The adult doctor ( not Glennmarie), lacks professionalism...fhe kids doctor himself, is great...but he needs to choose better ppl he works with. I wouldn't recommend to go there... I'm switching ...

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