Dr. Alex Hecht en New York

Estados UnidosDr. Alex Hecht



🕗 horarios

515, Huguenot Avenue, 10312, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-705-4434
sitio web: www.statenislandimplantdentist.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5424, Longitude: -74.196659

comentarios 5

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    Amy Gibson


    Went there today for a dental emergency. It was totally last minute, I'm from out of town and they were SO accommodating! They pretty much saved my social life by fixing a tooth for me and price was very reasonable. I cannot recommend these people enough! If I lived here this would absolutely be my primary dentist.

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    melissa dunn


    Love this place! For the first time ever I got a cavity filled without Novocain and I did not feel a pinch! Great kind and friendly staff! Not only for typical dentistry but great cosmetic work also.

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    Pam Lowy


    Just want to say,I been to many dentists, and always left unhappy with the work that was done, I finally found a dentist that I love.The work that was done for me ,is beautiful. I've never been so happy to go to back.I have a lot of work still to be done,but this time am so excited, to see the final results. I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED PAIN.THE DOCTORS ARE SO GENTLE AND PATIENCE. THE STAFF IS WONDERFUL. AND THE BEST PART YOU NEVER HAVE TO WAIT. JUST GO TO THEM,I PROMISE YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.AND BE HAPPY YOU DID.......

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    Jasmin Port


    The ONLY dentists on Staten Island who was willing to look at my tooth the same day, when I had an emergency. Bad wisdom tooth that has had never been pulled out due to my anxiety, was pulled out in 15 minutes, I had such an easy recovery and Dr Hecht had the office follow up with me. Advanced office, high-tech technology and most important- clean. Friendly, quick and successful visit at the dentist, now it's time to take care of my self, and Dr Jason Hecht has me in his schedule for all future procedures.

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    Michael Mio


    Everyone in the office is extremely helpful and friendly. They make it their passion to ensure you are comfortable and will provide you with constant updates if running behind, which is not common. Doctor educates you as he treats you and explains each step thoroughly while continuously asking if you are feeling pain. Although the entire office is a pleasure, Samantha makes it her priority to ensure each patient has the best experience; true asset to the office.

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