Dollar Tree w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDollar Tree



🕗 godziny otwarcia

31-72, 31st Street, 11106, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-721-0650
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7626544, Longitude: -73.9252131

komentarze 5

  • Farah Villafuerte

    Farah Villafuerte


    Staff are friendly and always ready to help but often out of stock for a lot of their products

  • Harlem Guy

    Harlem Guy


    Poor Service! Hassan is a horrible manager. The store is dirty. The staff is rude. They don't even have enough of a supply of shopping bags to pack and carry your purchases. I emailed the corporate office, via their website and they never responded.

  • en

    Nicole Curto


    Today, I got a call to bring home pancake mix when I was on my way home from the gym. I said okay! Then realized I had no money on me until i realized i had a gift card in my pocket.. I knew it was nearly at $0 but I figured there was at least $1 to stop at the Dollar Tree and grab a little box of pancake mix for just 1.00.. Then my card apparently only had .50 on the card. I stand there kinda confused and embarrassed and the lovely woman behind me offered to pay that extra .50 for me. I thought that was really sweet and helpful and just cool! Oh and the staff here is always nice but the lines are usually incredibly long with only 2 registers open during their rush hours. Overall love this store though and the people who shop in it!

  • Kiiara Snow

    Kiiara Snow


    The store itself is fine but they always have only 1 or 2 cashiers when the lines are almost out the store. All the stuff I love for a dollar. Love it!!!!

  • Aleksandr Kulikovskii

    Aleksandr Kulikovskii


    Name of the shop completely describes it - everything is just one dollar! It is great there is a way to buy a lot of cleaning tools, liquids and even some snacks for such a low price. Price for the same in another shops are usually 3-4 times higher!

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