District Hardware And Bike i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDistrict Hardware And Bike



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730, Maine Avenue Southwest, 20024, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-659-8686
internet side: www.districthardware.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.878635, Longitude: -77.023549

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mike P


    Very nice people that run the store. Also there is a coffee shop. This is in a very walkable community so I would not recommend driving here. Lastly there is a good selection of tools and last minute parts to fix or repair items in your home

  • en

    Peter Phau


    Great service at the bicycle part of the store. I took my bike in for a yearly service and they actually told me I wouldn't needed it. I ended up paying less. The coffee is great too

  • Marline Jenny

    Marline Jenny


    Took bike in for flat rear tire. They were able to replace immediately, inexpensively and for no extra charge they tightened a couple spokes just for my safety. Great guys. Great local shop.

  • Ulydog



    Used to love coming in for coffee and nick nacks but was recently confronted by staff telling me "you know, your son can damage the helmets by dropping them" after he accidentally knocked one 4 inches off the rack. Rubbed me the wrong way. Will take my business elsewhere.

  • Nick Webster

    Nick Webster


    A wonderful addition to the new Wharf. This is a family owned and operated hardware store, full service bicycle store, and Cafe. The bike shop markets Specialized brand bikes and accessories along with varied high quality other brands. The Cafe offers an assortment of pastries and freshly pressed espresso drinks. The True Value hardwares store is well stocked and staffed by knowledgeable professionals. Glad to have you in this neighborhood!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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