BicycleSPACE- Downtown i Washington

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Forenede StaterBicycleSPACE- Downtown



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440, K Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-962-0123
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.902263, Longitude: -77.0173538

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Anderson

    Christopher Anderson


    Bought two commuter bikes from this shop. Incredible staff, sales and repairs. So happy to support this local business. I’m not a professional or even serious bike rider. Unlike some other shops in town I’ve never been talked down to. This place is just the best.

  • Nick Webster

    Nick Webster


    BicyleSPACE is a wonderful, friendly, downtown bike shop. I stopped in to look around and a knowledgeable staff member took the time to show me around in a no pressure manner. When I am in the market for a new set of wheels, I will be in.

  • en

    Eric Peters


    This place was awesome to deal with. I got a flat tire near the Washington Monument with no spare or repair kit. There are no bike shops nearby. So I carried my bike to this store (not knowing anything about it but that it was the closest to where I was.) When I got there, I was sweaty, dirty, and not a happy camper. Two of the store employees came up to see if they could help. When I explained the situation, they told me to bring the bike in and they'll fix it. I declined, stating that I just need two tubes and a bike tool. They sold me what I needed without any problem. They offered to let me use their tools, and were more than understanding. The only reason that I'm not giving them 5 stars is that their selection of bike tools was a little slim. They didn't have any 'alien' tools or anything. But, that aside, they were a pleasure to deal with and I was on my way.

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    Sinan Pismisoglu


    Great smiley people. Nice shop, nice location. Not cheap but nothing is cheap in DC. I highly recommend. On weekends, the mechanics are even cooler. I enjoy visiting the Store.

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    Bike Love


    VERY VERY bad Experience, I am highly disappointed in the service I receive today. I came in for a simple derailleur adjustment, I basically just wanted a fine adjustment on top of my adjustment and right off the back they took advantage of me, by lying about what can and can't be fixed to make more money. After it was all said and done. The mechanic didn't know how to fix my problem. But he CHARGE me FULL PRICE because he said he made it better, Which he did not I actually did a better job at home before I brought it to the bike shop. Every bike shop I've been to I was never a charge for something they can't fix. I feel like I was rob after paying 50 bucks for nothing. I live a block away from this bike shop and will never be returning again. PS I would to speak to the owner!!!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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