Dirty Bar i Washington

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Forenede StaterDirty Bar



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1223 Connecticut Ave. NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20036, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-503-2692
internet side: www.dirtybardc.com
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Latitude: 38.9066832, Longitude: -77.0412523

kommentar 5

  • en

    J Winns


    My friends and I had a great time here. It was on a Sunday for brunch buffet and bottomless mimosas. It is the perfect mix of shall I say,”Bougie and Rachet”. Upstairs and downstairs has tables and seating,so you can dress nice,have a seat, and socialize.The buffet is pretty good as well as the music which was nice with a good mix of old and new hits. The vibe is chill and ready to have a good time. While i was there i even seen a cast member from Love and Hip Hop NY which was refreshing lol. The drinks were a little pricey,but the atmosphere to me makes it not so bad.

  • da'ved velazquez

    da'ved velazquez


    It was great . Age group is about 21-33 and the bar tenders are good. Idk what's up with the bad reviews but I loved it .many cool people to get to know as well

  • en

    Christina Roper


    Tried to book my birthday brunch... no reply...thanks for nothing

  • Chad Goyette

    Chad Goyette


    Overpriced everything, will make you wait in line to make their establishment look busy. Once upstairs place is empty and $20 cover is too much when drinks are almost the same price. Only reason I give 2 stars and not 1 is because they did have a great sound system.

  • Christina Cortese

    Christina Cortese


    Dirty Bar: aptly named. If I could post a picture on mobile, I would show you the mouse hole I found (and took a picture of). We booked an event for 300 people, they said they could do food. Took them 40 minutes to bring the next batch of food out and it came out ICE COLD. Bartender didn't know how to make ANY drinks. This place needs Bar Rescue. Drinks, service, atmosphere, physical attributes, decor, food, drink quality and cleanliness were all atrocious. Just disgusting. No other way to put it.

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