Eighteenth Street Lounge i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEighteenth Street Lounge



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1212, 18th Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-466-3922
internet side: eighteenthstreetlounge.com
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Latitude: 38.9062117, Longitude: -77.0419716

kommentar 5

  • Tara Tai

    Tara Tai


    Good venue with nice private corners that you can reserve in advance. Solid cocktails; recommend the Grasshopper. Extensive drinklist with bottle service as well.

  • Tara Tai

    Tara Tai


    Good drinks and atmosphere, attentive service, and if you call in advance you can reserve a roped off section. I recommend the Grasshopper cocktail! Bathroom is small and dirty but...hey it's a dance club.

  • en

    Alania Foster


    Bartenders can't make drinks. I ordered 2 drinks from 2 different bartenders - a tequila sunrise and a vodka soda, and I put both down after the first sip. How do you mess up a vodka soda? The music was alright, but the dance floors are small. Security had to stunt and had us waiting in line for no reason - we went inside and there was barely anyone I there. Overall, I wasn't impressed and won't be back.

  • DJ Hebert

    DJ Hebert


    So I am not a club person by any stretch of the imagination....but this place is nice. The DJ really knows what he is doing. The bars( there is one on each level) are well stocked with tenders that know what they are doing(I don't drink but most of their mixes are done very well and intriguing to watch). The music selections are on point and at 11 on Fridays they have live Jazz....can't go wrong there. This is more the style of a three story speak easy than a club. Get there early...but if you have to wait. I have to say that it is worth it. Highly recommend this place.

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    Savannah Kearns


    The evening started out pretty good, but after spending over $120 on 6 drinks we decided to sit on the lovely antique couch and the rude waitress came over and told me I was not allowed to sit on the couch unless I was ordering drinks from her... Very rude. Very unprofessional. I literally just sat my empty glass on the table... D.C. was amazing, but I would recommend another bar/lounge nearby.

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