Dental Center of Tysons Corner w McLean

Stany ZjednoczoneDental Center of Tysons Corner



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8270, Greensboro Drive, 22102, McLean, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-214-6570
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9236427, Longitude: -77.2306207

komentarze 5

  • en

    Asad Abas


    It was immense pleasure visiting such an outclass establishment. The staff was all smiles with genuine empathy. The dentists & auxiliaries were thorough professionals. Equipment was shinning and seemed new and top of the line. There was wonderful perfume in the air. Decor of the clinic is stunning and the ambiance is out of the world. Whole heartedly recommended for the best dental care of your family, friends and yourself without any fear of pain in the expert hands.

  • en

    KimSunshine Beavers


  • Ashiq Elahi

    Ashiq Elahi


    Never seen so helpful, well trained, and patient staff ever at a dental clinic. Taking my brother for dental check up is nearly impossible due to his disability. Staffs and doctor was very patient, and helpful. They never backed down from giving him the proper care he needed. The locatation of this place is great and the clinic is well maintained. This place really exceeded my expectation. Would recommend anyone and everyone to come here.

  • en

    Aaron Young


    To my dear friends at Grove Dental & Dr. Chaudhry, I wish to thank all of you. I say "all" of you because each of you play a role in helping the patient feel welcome and cared for. We arrived here three years ago and because you were so close I decided to give you my business. I was just walking by and it turned out to be a blessing and I feel you more so were a blessing. I thank all of you for your professionalism and genuine care and concern for the health of my family's teeth. My wish came true after having braces. My teeth look and feel absolutely wonderful. You just don't have such experiences much these days. Honesty and integrity makes for happy patients. Thank you!

  • en

    Aa Bb


    Very Compassionate Doctors. They have always treated me gently every time I have been to Grove Dental Clinic. The Doctors and the rest of the staff are friendly, easy going and professional. Recommend them very highly.

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