Boone Dental, Richard J. Hong, D.M.D., P.C. w Vienna

Stany ZjednoczoneBoone Dental, Richard J. Hong, D.M.D., P.C.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8230, Boone Boulevard, 22182, Vienna, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-506-0800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.916109, Longitude: -77.23014

komentarze 5

  • en

    Raphael Balsam


    First time here and had an excellent experience. Dr. Hong is very personable, knows his stuff, and is happy to spend the time to explain/discuss matters with his patients.

  • Jennifer Halvaksz

    Jennifer Halvaksz


    Our whole family loves Dr Hong, Maritza, and Neeti. They are all warm, welcoming and thorough. Dr. Hong is very up to date on current evidence with all suggestions and recommendations and has an amazing memory regarding our family and our adventures which makes us appreciate how much he commits to really knowing and serving his clients. The office runs so smoothly and efficiently and we always look forward to our next visit.

  • Mo Jiang

    Mo Jiang


    Went to Dr. Hong for the first time this past week as a new patient- and he was incredible! His dental hygenist was super thorough and careful, and made sure to explain every step of the teeth cleaning process to me as well as check up on me consistently to ensure my comfort during treatment. Dr. Hong himself was super friendly and thorough as well. He walked me through his assessment of my teeth and xrays, identified issues and potential future issues with my teeth, and presented a recommendation for future treatment that he carefully explained. I'm definitely going back!

  • Catharina Zavertnik

    Catharina Zavertnik


    Dr. Hong is awesome! So friendly and professional every time I go there. I wanted to get my teeth whitened for my wedding and he told me my teeth were white enough and I didn't need it. Any other dentist would have gladly taken my money, so something about that really impressed me that he truly cares!!

  • Edward



    He's a five star dentist. Super smart and a perfectionist. Takes a lot to impress me and Dr Hong does that every time. My whole entire family goes to him. We are not easily impressed But we all love him!

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