Dello Bros. Jewelers II en Oyster Bay

Estados UnidosDello Bros. Jewelers II



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118, South Street, 11771, Oyster Bay, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-922-2933
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.871828, Longitude: -73.5311299

comentarios 5

  • Victoria A

    Victoria A


    I love coming here for all my jewelry needs. Whenever something breaks, I know I can take it here and they will take care of it at a reasonable price. I have also taken costume jewelry here to see if any adjustments could be made to it, and they guys were very honest with me and told me that they could fix it but it would be a lot more than I originally paid for the piece. The guys here are honest in situations like that, showing me that they clearly care about their customers. That's one of the reasons I keep coming back!

  • Keith Doran

    Keith Doran


    First time I had ever gone there and I have lived in OB for a few years. They were nice, honest, and attentive to details. My kids loved the dogs while we waited! Definitely a small business I will visit in the future.

  • Jerome Gaeta

    Jerome Gaeta


    Very nice family run business. Even their dogs are nice. Pleasure to do business with. Honest, great prices & selection. I've bought jewelry for my wife and had watches repaired as well as cleaned & reset. Also very knowledgeable & friendly. Best jewellers of met.

  • Christopher Bagielto

    Christopher Bagielto


    These guys are great. Good selection even better service.

  • en

    Ron Dell'Armo


    The store to go to for designing unique jewelry.

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