Coin Galleries of Oyster Bay en Oyster Bay

Estados UnidosCoin Galleries of Oyster Bay



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90, South Street, 11771, Oyster Bay, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-922-0222
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8725435, Longitude: -73.5306791

comentarios 5

  • Tom Prezioso

    Tom Prezioso


    Great Customer service - nice people that are very informative and easy to deal with.

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    Lenny Clark


    Cure little young woman all flirty offered me 750 for my gold. Having weighed it in advance and calcukated the value for what i should receive including a fee for the house to make a profit it was 450 shirt. Went to Hempstead Tpk and Wantagh Parkway to gold buyer shop there.. Got 1175. Hey Mets fans, Keith is trying to get us ripped off!!!!! Stay out of Oyster Bay Coin galleries. Can we sue them for false advertising? Highest prices paid my butt!. Giving 1 star cause u cant post with zero stars

  • Seth Zolot

    Seth Zolot


    Great family owned store

  • Samantha Figliolia

    Samantha Figliolia


    They have an awesome selection and their quality is second to none. I have an engagement ring and wedding band from them and I get endless compliments. The customer service is fantastic as well.

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    John Galiney


    Thrilled I used CGOB for an engagement ring. They were helpful, responsive, friendly, and made me exactly the ring I wanted for a great value. Highly recommend

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