Corinne's Place w Camden

Stany ZjednoczoneCorinne's Place



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1254, Haddon Avenue, 08103, Camden, Camden County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 856-541-4894
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Latitude: 39.9315714, Longitude: -75.1016791

komentarze 5

  • Jenn Islam

    Jenn Islam


    The food was ok, I’ve had better (& honestly, I have also made better). The mac and cheese was too salty, the fried chicken was dry, but the collard greens and candied yams were decent. The service was great - fun staff. Not a sit down place - didn’t know that before hand so we ordered, waited, & left with take out. Plenty of street parking.

  • Letitia Mingledolph

    Letitia Mingledolph


    I visited Corrine’s place on 10/1 at about 6:45pm I ordered platters for 6 people 5 oxtail and 1 fried chicken and 3 fish sandwiches and 3 cakes for $214.00 I couldn’t wait to get home which was a ways away from the restaurant 2 mins after getting home I tasted the food it was horrible 4 oxtail in the platter with a lot of rice and it was too much salt, greens and Mac was not good either sweet potatoes were dry, fish sandwich with no bread. 1 time only visit from family and I, really feel bad in these times to spend that much money and not be able to eat food wasteful. This place gets 1 star only because it would not let me post without stars honestly NO STARS from me! REALLY WANT MY MONEY BACK! Update….. I wanted to come back and let everyone know that although my food was not right I was contacted by a representative of the restaurant who heard my issue and offered several resolutions to make things right in todays time I appreciate him getting back with me to resolve and make my experience better then the 1st communication is key in keeping business alive. Thank you

  • Boris Fabre

    Boris Fabre


    I heard the hype about restaurant for time now so I tried it out. I’m very skeptical about soul food spots. For the reasons are other bad reviews and the picture of food doesn’t look good. Size of the platter and price isn’t worth it, the rudeness, and finally the wait time. Well Corinne proved me wrong. It took less than 25 mins. When I held the bag it got weight to it. When I finally opened my platters I was very pleased with the full sized wings and white meat chicken. Well seasoned chicken. Potato salad is well seasoned. The Mac and Cheese was hitting the right places. I was pleased to pay for what I got. The size of the meal matched the price. But listen the corn bread it taste store bought. I thought it be warmer a little more sweeter but it’s all right. No indoor sitting. They have a buffet. Outdoor sitting.

  • Rachel Crayne

    Rachel Crayne


    The food was delicious but the young man that took my order charged me for a potato salad side and peach cobbler dessert which was not in my bag when I got home. If I hadn't traveled 30 minutes, I would have returned immediately. Fortunately, Monica was awesome when I called to report it and offered to replace the items for my next visit.

  • Robert Veney

    Robert Veney


    Loved the food! Everything was delicious! I will say that I ordered 2 fish platters over the phone. When I got there after about 45 minutes, I went to the window and was told my order wasn't ready yet. I waited 10 minutes in my car and went back and they said they're out of fish... So I end up ordering the beef short ribs platter, the chicken wing platter, the turkey wing sandwich, and a side of sweet potatoes. I waited another 10 minutes and finally got all my food. The price was reasonable. When I got home and tasted everything, all the frustrations were over!! My mind was blown by how good everything was! I had Corrine's cater a party about 10 years ago and they've only gotten better! I would definitely recommend this restaurant for some great soul food! UPDATE - After leaving the 1st review I was not discouraged from returning because the food was delicious. However, when I called to place my order I was immediately met with a question, "did you order the other day?" I said "no." But the girl had a serious attitude while taking the order. I was kind of skeptical about it but still placed the order. When I got there to the window, one of the girls looked at me and went to another girl and said "he is the one" and they went on with a snide side conversation while looking over at me. I waited for my food and asked the one at the window if they had a problem back there. She said no hesitantly. I then said, "yes, I did leave the review, is that an issue?" The two in back just walked away into the rear area. The girl at the window didn't say anything. Again, the food was good, but the service was HORRIBLE!! The girls that work up front are very immature and caddy.. I left a review of exactly what happened the 1st time. If they didn't like it, step your service up.. Don't research who ordered fish platters that you accepted, but didn't have, search for their phone number and give them attitude if they call or come back. The review was accurate and they still received 5 stars. The last encounter moved them down to a 4.

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