Classic Pharmacy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneClassic Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1284, Clove Road, 10301, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-727-0022
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6153108, Longitude: -74.1030492

komentarze 5

  • en

    John Rogers


    This is by far the best of the best shop that provides the greatest customer service ever, what ever the mentality or attitude you have when you walk in to this awsome place changes to WOW and happiness. This is a thanks to Joe, Paul and Eddie and all the rest of the Classic Pharmacy Crew for giving a great professional service to all customers with kindness and a smile. The owner of this business is really lucky to have such wonderful souls working and making this world a better place. I hope from the bottom of my heat that this business will grow with these great people to be a super store with heart. God bless you all.

  • Melo Dee

    Melo Dee


    Family owned and runned cute lil mom and pop business. Almost all your needs can be taken care of here. Notary, medicines, gift cards, educated pharmacists, metrocards, stamps, express delivery center, cards at half off, candies, vitamins, toys, balloons, lottery and more. All those things at decent prices and sold to you by friendly helpful staff

  • Edward Mahala

    Edward Mahala


    I live in the neighborhood and have been using Classic pharmacy for years. They are the nicest, caring pharmacy I have ever known. That's why they can compete with big chain pharmacies. They have something that the chains can't duplicate - personalized and caring customer relationships.

  • en

    Iftikhar Hussain


    Joe and Eddie they are best Pharmacist in this area I’m using their pharmacy almost 24 years

  • Kelly Cregan

    Kelly Cregan


    My family has been going there for years. Even though I no longer live in the neighborhood, I go out of my way to still go there because the staff is friendly, helpful and the pharmacists know us by name. Can't imagine going anywhere else.

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