Island Bird Cat & Dog Vet Group w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneIsland Bird Cat & Dog Vet Group



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375, Manor Road, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-370-9472
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6184906, Longitude: -74.1233161

komentarze 5

  • en

    Scott Kosik


    Dr. Scandaglia and his staff have been absolutely amazing since we started bringing our puppy to them. The care and professionalism is unmatched. We ask a lot of questions since we are new owners as a family and they all take the time with a smile no matter what the question is to answer us and calm our worries. I am glad we were recommended to them and I truly recommend them to anyone else looking for a Vet.

  • en

    Anjelika Kuvaldina


    Great service and follow-up. Office was able to schedule an appointment for surgical procedure on a very short notice. Thank you :)

  • en



    Dr. Scandaglia and his staff are by far the GREATEST EVER!!!! I had recently taking my Great Pyrenees and they treated him (Jack) so well. I have had many many animals in my lifetime and had many vets. I would never go anywhere else. Thank you so much Dr. & Staff!! Your awesome!

  • Caterina Marra-Vazquez

    Caterina Marra-Vazquez


    Always so skeptical when it comes to doctors whether for myself or my angel pup. I first visited Dr. Scandaglia when we moved from Brooklyn to Staten Island. He gave our 6 year old poodle an exam and then we scheduled to have his teeth professionally cleaned. Dr. Scandaglia did an AMAZING job. My little angel looked and felt fine the next day- no problems whatsoever! We will be using Dr. Frank form now on.

  • en

    Michelle Esposito


    We had to put our beloved dog Zoey to sleep this past week, which was an incredibly difficult experience as she was truly one of a kind and a valued member of our family. Dr Scandaglia and his staff were so compassionate to our family and our beautiful dog, that they even sent a condolence card with personalized memorial cards, her paw prints, a locket of her fur, and a touching poem. They went above and beyond to demonstrate that they truly see pets as valued members of family rather than being in this business for money. I can not thank them enough for making a very difficult time a little easier. Absolutely beautiful souls working there!

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