Cheeseburger In Paradise en Secaucus

Estados UnidosCheeseburger In Paradise



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700, Plaza Drive, 07094, Secaucus, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-392-0500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.787383, Longitude: -74.046079

comentarios 5

  • Stephan Lawrence

    Stephan Lawrence


    The place was not great... It was awesome!! The place was full to the brim, karaoke, and really great burgers. Their burgers were so huge that I couldn't even finish it!! Drinks were so good too!! I prefer the root beer float. It was so good to drink.

  • ITS Prof_C

    ITS Prof_C


    Great staff great food great music. Never had an issue with food or service. Great day or night. Indoor and outdoor seating.

  • Arisel De la cruz

    Arisel De la cruz


    Really nice Hawaiian looking restaurant. Food is good and drinks are very good too. They have the outside open in the summer. Drinks look very nice and are big. The wings are my fave they have a few different ones, my favorite is the dragon one. You will really enjoy it in the summer.

  • en

    Michael Gomez


    Good food. Fun times! The service is good. I enjoyed my time there with my family. The wings are delicious.

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    Plankton Grocery


    First I would like to start to see that this place was delicious. The food was divine. It was like playing Candy Crush and I had a sugar crush the waiters were nice to me and the managers were manageable peoples. And the food was delicious. I had this tasty catfish platter and I'll tell you it was good. The music was classy the karaoke was amazing. I'll go there 10 times a week if I have to and I'll recommend that everybody goes one day stops what they're doing and just goats visits this Delicious Restaurant and I'll tell you it will make your day.

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