Charlie's Market Buffet w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneCharlie's Market Buffet



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4575, Boulder Highway, 89121, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-951-9000 ext. 4211
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.124015, Longitude: -115.075666

komentarze 5

  • Barry Kennison

    Barry Kennison


    This buffet is a bit smaller in scale than many buffets, but for a less expensive buffet, the quality is usually higher. The only downside is that it does close at 8 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. with Friday being the exception. I have been impressed that some nights they actually serve calamari, fairly large fried shrimp, and outstanding baked cod fish. You can also sometimes find a fresh seaweed salad it is actually quite tasty. How many times do you find that on a buffet?

  • Sara Gladyz Gonzalez

    Sara Gladyz Gonzalez


    Its a small buffet but for the price very good 2/1 tuesdays 👍

  • en

    Tyler Alistair


    Not a good buffet. Small. Questionable entrees

  • Larry Ryals Jr

    Larry Ryals Jr


    They have excellent hot food and plenty of it good prices and you can have hamburgers cook the way you want them to cook the way you want them ,the personnel there are very friendly and very efficient, I will recommend this place to anyone that wants to take the family out for a good meal they serve breakfast lunch and dinner.

  • en

    r j Ago


    i go to the dinner buffet........quality and taste is hit and miss.....the servers are usually really good although they sometimes wait until you are eating desserts before they ask if you need a refill on your drink.......some of the food preparers working behind the food have issues.....apparently under a different mgr........the other quirk is do not expect anything other than medium well to fully dried out overcooked beef....whether its prime rib,roast beef or a request rare and get well done.......this has happened to me at least ten times........even though they acknowledge your rare request.........its likely an issue with the beef they buy.....likely older and lower grade and more apt to contain they have to cook it into oblivion...........other than is priced accordingly........if you have a 1/2 off coupon.........

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