Cabo Mexican w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneCabo Mexican



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4111, Boulder Highway, 89121, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-432-7777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1327537, Longitude: -115.0851368

komentarze 5

  • en

    Serena Wetcher


    The food and service was fantastic! Thanks

  • Kimberly Kunkle

    Kimberly Kunkle


    Unbelievable to the bad! For a $12 quesadilla you get ripped off on portion! Who does that? I’m so tired of the changes in this restaurant. I’ve been going there for 13yrs. I used to go a lot. Now very seldom! Every time I go, there’s something to disappoint me! It’s a real shame.

  • en

    Robin Smith


    Service and food are fantastic! They have a salsa bar that is so tasty! It has so many options to choose from and its part of your meal at no extra charge! This is a definite ho to if you love Mexican food! They also have lunch specials!

  • Beth Andries

    Beth Andries


    Love it, love it, love it! Great selections, great drinks. I tried the mango with jalapenos margarita. I love the salsa bar (not pictured but there's a serve yourself salsa bar with a selection of at least 5 fresh salsas). I had the lettuce wraps tacos & it's going to be my new favorite dish. Service is friendly and efficient. Great atmosphere, you almost can't tell you're in a casino.

  • en

    Mark Pia


    My wife and I went here for dinner and it was pretty good. It's noisy here, and can get busy, but the booths are comfortable and the staff is very nice. The prices are on the high side which is not justified by the quality of the food and they are slow to serve drinks and food. The restaurant it's self is clean, has an open feel, and is very colorful. If you're at Boulder Station and want some Mexican food before or after a movie you should stop by. If you're on a date ask for a booth in the back, it's quieter but you're farther away from the salsa bar.

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