Чеф Сентрал en Paramus

Estados UnidosЧеф Сентрал



🕗 horarios

34, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-576-0100
sitio web: www.chefcentral.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.966688, Longitude: -74.075307

comentarios 5

  • C. Dong

    C. Dong


    Relocated to Fashion Center, inside of Bed, Bath and Beyond.

  • Ellen B.

    Ellen B.


    I loved browsing in this store and am sorry that it's no longer around. :(

  • Nancy Mahon

    Nancy Mahon


    I am not suprised they are out of business, just suprised it took this long. I always dreaded going there. They staff has consistently been less than helpful to the point of rude. Its bad enough they are over priced but it looks like thier elitist attitude and lack of product knowledge finally did them in. Good bye and good riddance!!!!!!

  • en

    Mario Delgado


    This has everything you could possibly ever need of want for your kitchen. The items are pretty pricey but lots of high quality, premium products here. Lots of parking, good customer service. They do food classes as well.

  • Fred Alluso

    Fred Alluso


    After moving back to New York from New Jersey, Chef Central still stands out as the retail store I miss most. This warehouse sized store is beautifully organized and decorated to bring prominence to the products and brands they carry. If you are an aspiring cook, homemaker or chef, then you have to make the trip to Chef Central. They carry appliances, cooking tools, ingredients, cutlery and virtually all you would need for the kitchen or your diner party under one convenient roof. Top that all off with free culinary classes and some of the most competitive prices I have ever seen in this sector. Well worth the trip from New York.

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