Bruce the Bed King en Paramus

Estados UnidosBruce the Bed King



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703, New Jersey 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-689-2230
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.968159, Longitude: -74.079306

comentarios 5

  • en

    Mecca Ragland


    Bought furniture for my boys. I love it!

  • Collin tidd

    Collin tidd


  • en



    Got a mattress 4 years back with 10 years warranty. Sunk in the middle. Bruce The king didnt honor the warranty giving reason that the manufacturer went out of business (which is untrue.. confirmed that the manufacturer still exist). They dont stand behind their products. Please avoid this place.

  • en

    john pieri


    Great value and not pushy sales people like other places. Been coming here for years and never leave disappointed.

  • en

    Michael Ossig


    Bruce is the best guy in the business and it's not even close. After going to a few different mattress stores (Sleepy's, etc) I was starting to get fed up with the whole experience. It only took 5 minutes of talking to Bruce to understand that he is just a genuinely good guy who is extremely knowledgeable and makes his customers the priority. I gave him a price range and what I was looking for and, instead of trying to pressure me into some high priced bed set, he showed me exactly what I wanted and told me exactly what it would cost as well as threw in a frame and a discount since I told him I would pick it up myself. He was nothing but courteous and friendly every step of the way and handled any questions I had like a professional. I am a customer for life and would highly recommend that you don't waste your time looking elsewhere.

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