Carvel w Woodbridge Township

Stany ZjednoczoneCarvel



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1191, Saint George Avenue, 07067, Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-750-3777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.579417, Longitude: -74.2945196

komentarze 5

  • en

    me also me


    Good place for ice cream. Nice staff

  • Thoughtful Reviews

    Thoughtful Reviews


    This Carvel has a very pleasant counter staff and they are always patient with customers, even when there’s a long line on a hot Summer day. The store is always clean and they have a large soft serve selection. The parking lot is small, so at busy times, parking can be an issue.

  • Sri Vidhya

    Sri Vidhya


    I love this carvel as they are quick to serve and customer service is good. They have a bogo it..

  • en

    Eladio Gonzalez


    Best Carvel in town ! This place is always busy so their Product is always fresh and tasty. .Excellent staff they greet you with a smile and floors are clean and always plenty is stock available. ..

  • Forever Geralyn

    Forever Geralyn


    I first contacted this Carvel by phone inquiring about a birthday cake. The young woman, Mimi, was pleasant and helpful. She took the time to explain different options available for custom cakes. She suggested I come in, which I did, and she helped me order from a book they have where edible images can be put on an ice cream cake. They have a lot to choose from including Disney characters, football teams, and other cute and fun images. They only needed about one day prior to have this ready. The shop was clean, they have parking in the front, and even though it's winter and cold out right now, it's always a good time for ice cream.

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