Yuno Bagel w Rahway

Stany ZjednoczoneYuno Bagel



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1090, Saint George Avenue, 07065, Rahway, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-382-8444
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6083055, Longitude: -74.287941

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dana Mercier


    Great service, good food and very clean.

  • en

    Colleen Cooke


    I've been coming here for close to 20 years, best bagels in jersey made fresh every morning! Specialty creamcheeses, homemade coffee cake assortment, and always clean!

  • Evelis Velez

    Evelis Velez


    Fresh Bagel and so delicious !!! It best spot to eat bagel for breakfast/lunch.

  • en

    Keith Urban


    I love this place and they have good bagels but the people just dont listen to what you say when you order. I ordered here 7 days in a row and they got my order wrong for 6 of those days. I ordered the same thing every day too. They mean well but they just dont listen. They have good tasting bagels and they are friendly to me and I would like to give them more than 1 star but I just dont see why it is so hard to get an order correct. That is the basis of having a business, making your customers happy as to continue doing business. I will probably continue to order from here but if it gets to a ridiculous point of bad orders I will no longer be going here anymore.

  • Carlos Feliciano

    Carlos Feliciano


    Don’t come here. This place is trash. I originally walked in prepared to get a Taylor ham egg n cheese and immediately saw that was gonna take some time. Went with the toasted bagel and cream cheese. The elderly Asian puts my bagel on the counter. And that’s where it sat for the next two minutes while they’re still taking in orders. How about you complete the orders you got sitting there first. Oh and let’s not forget them residing the gloves over and over.

najbliższy Piekarnia

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